System Requirements
The following are minimum system requirements:
- Operating System: Windows 9X or higher.
- CPU: 800 MHz.
- Memory: 256MB RAM minimum.
- Video Card: OpenGL 1.2 compatible with at least 32MB VRAM.
The following are desirable system requirements:
- Operating System: Windows 98 or higher.
- CPU: 1.4 GHz minimum.
- Memory: 512MB RAM.
- Video Card: OpenGL 1.4 compatible with at least 128MB VRAM.
- Joystick (optional).
Windows NT4 users must have service pack 4 or higher installed.
"X Town" game is playable with the minimum specifications listed above,
but plays more smoothly the faster your machine is and the faster your CPU is.
Keyboard input:
F1 key - Open Quick Help file.
Up Arrow key - Moving forward.
Down Arrow key - Moving back.
Left Arrow key - Turn left.
Right Arrow key - Turn right.
+ (Add key) - Increases moving speed.
- (Subtract key) - Reduces moving speed.
* (Multiply key) - Highly increases the speed of movement.
/ (Divide key) - Highly reduces the speed of movement.
0 (Numeric keypad 0 key) - Return to the starting value of the speed of movement,
resets turning gun and camera.
1 (Numeric keypad 1 key) - Move the gun left.
2 (Numeric keypad 2 key) - Rotates the camera or the gun down.
3 (Numeric keypad 3 key) - Move the gun right.
4 (Numeric keypad 4 key) - Rotates the camera or a gun to the left.
5 (Numeric keypad 5 key) - Resets the value of turning the gun and camera.
6 (Numeric keypad 6 key) - Rotates the camera or a gun to the right.
8 (Numeric keypad 8 key) - Rotates the camera or gun up.
Note that NumLock option should be on. That is, you have to turn the NUM LOCK light on.
G key - On - Off displaying of Electromagnetic Gun.
S key - Disables-enables the sounds.
T key - On - Off the invert rotation mode gun with joystick around the vertical axis.(See below.)
Y key - On - Off the invert rotation mode gun with joystick around the horizontal axis.
(See below.)
U key - Off the invert rotation mode gun with joystick (Both vertical and horizontal axis).
J key - Disables-enables the joystick.
M key - Disables-enables automatic fire gun for the joystick.
Tab key (Two Left-Right Arrows) changes the operation mode of the joystick (see below).
Z key - Zoom out.
X key - Zoom in.
C key - Reset zooming.
Enter key or Spacebar key - Shooting.
F3 key - Enables - disables "the fog".
Page Up (PgUp) key - Increases the density of the fog.
Page Down (PgDn) key - Reduces the density of the fog.
F4 key - Increases the lighting.
F5 key - Reduces the lighting.
F6 key - Reset the lighting to the initial values.
F8 key - Make snapshot of the game window.
(See below in the section How to make a picture of the game window?).
F9 key - Switch to full-screen mode (It's possible after registration of the program only!)
And returning from full-screen to window.
F12 key - Disables-enables the turns (to a certain extent) camera. That is:
If Electromagnetic Gun displayed you will always "look through the gun's sight" no matter how you turned the gun.
View of the window before and after pressing
F12 key.
If displaying of Electromagnetic Gun off then you are using the
Up Arrow - Numeric keypad 8 key,
Down Arrow - Numeric keypad 2 key,
Left Arrow - Numeric keypad 4 key,
Right Arrow - Numeric keypad 6 key
can change the angle of the vector view. This way you can "look up and down, left and right," "walk looking around".
Once again: NumLock option should be on. That is, you have to turn the NUM LOCK light on!
You can move around with your mouse, if you press the
Ctrl key.
You can rotate the gun with the mouse, if you press the
Shift key.
Left mouse button - a shot.
The joystick should be connected to the computer before launching the program. When you connect the joystick while the program is running, you need to force the initialization of the device by pressing J key.
Initially you can rotate electromagnetic gun with handle of the joystick and move around by
using the point-of-view control (all-round view control).
However, you can change the mode of operation of the joystick, pressing the
Tab key (two arrows Left-Right).
After that, you will move around by using the joystick handle and operate the gun with the point-of-view control.
Pressing the Tab key another time restores the original mode of the joystick.
Inverting turns the gun with joystick's handle.
In normal mode the joystick you pulling the handle of the joystick backward
raise the muzzle of the gun (as in the figure below, left),
and pushing joystick's handle onward - omit one (as shown below, right).
But after pressing the
- Y key you will raise the muzzle of the gun by pushing joystick's handle onward
and lower by pulling the handle of the joystick backward.
Similarly, in normal mode the joystick you can turn to the left the barrel of the gun
by turning the joystick's handle left (see figure below left), and make right turn - turning the joystick's handle
to the right (see figure below right).
However, after pressing the
- T key, you will rotate the barrel of the gun to the left
turning the handle of the joystick right
and make right turn turning the handle of the joystick to the left.
Pressing the
U key switch off the inversion.
Pressing the
J key you can disable the joystick. Pressing this button another time enables the joystick.
Joystick's 2 button - Return to the starting value of the speed of movement.
Joystick's 3 button - Increases moving speed.
Joystick's 4 button - Reduces moving speed.
Joystick's 5 button - Enables-disables the use of wheel
Speed Link for increases (or reduces) the speed of movement.
How to make a snapshot of the game window?
- Press
- the F8 key.
- Open any graphics editor, for example Paint.
- Insert the image from the clipboard.
- Save the image to the hard disk in any convenient for you format.
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